TEL: +86 010 63326036
TEL: +86 010 63326024

Meso 400


The Meso 400 is a compact sorption analyzer with four completely independent analysis stations for the determination of BET surface area, total pore volume and pore size distributions of mesoporous and macroporous materials. Each analysis station can be programmed individually and started at any given time. This is achieved by four independent dosing volumes and without any time loss. Next to Nitrogen, it is possible to employ any non-corrosive gas as an adsorbate such as CO2, Ar, Kr, H2, O2, CO, NH3 or CH4. All four analysis stations can also be used as in-situ degassing stations for sample preparation.


  • Test Module
  • Internal temperature of test module can be controlled through Real-time monitoring, ensuring accuracy of adsorption detection.
  • Saturated Vapor Pressure P0
  • Using independent P0 pressure sensor for P0 value by inching test, guarantees the reliability of experimental data. Atmospheric pressure input method to determine P0 also be selected.
  • Datasheet
  • Vacuum System
  • It’s a multi-channel, adjustable, and parallel vacuum system. Vacuum degree of this system can be controlled in segments.
    This design prevents the sample from being pumped into analyzer. Meanwhile, a delicate part was designed for ensuring cleanliness of vacuum system, minimizing dust pollution.
  • JWGB Sample Preparation Device
  • It’s optional. External sample preparation device with four-degas stations in vacuum and heat to remove air from surface and pores of samples.
    Temperature can be set and monitored individually and controlled from ambient to 400 oC.
  • Pressure Sensor
  • A high-precision capacitive thin film pressure sensor, makes the partial pressure of P/P0 up to 10-4 (N2/77K) in the physical adsorption analysis.
  • Datasheet
  • Cold Free Space
  • Cold free space can be corrected by Helium automatically, ensuring accuracy of test results.
    This calibration method is suitable for testing of any powder or particle material.
  • Control of Liquid Nitrogen level
  • Using High volume (3L) Dewar flasks and working with the fixative seal cover assure a constant thermal profile along the length of sample tubes and P0 tubes throughout testing process.
  • Datasheet


  • JWGB-BK Software is intelligent software in operation control, data acquisition, calculation and analysis and report generation on the Windows platform. This software can communicate with the host through the LAN port and remotely control many instruments at the same time.
  • Clear tabular reports include:
      Adsorption and desorption isotherms
      Single-/Multipoint BET surface area
      Langmuir surface area
      STSA-surface area
      pore size distribution according to BJH
  • Datasheet
  • Datasheet
  • JWGB-BK Software adopts a unique intake control method, the pressure in adsorption and desorption process is optimally set in six- stage; this flexible design is helpful for improving test efficiency.
  • Datasheet
  • Changes of the pressure and temperature inside the manifold can be observed directly in the test interface which is convenient for sample test and instrument maintenance.
    Current state of analyzer can be intuitively understood with the indicator light and event bar.
    Each adsorption equilibrium process is dynamically displayed on the test interface. Adsorption characteristics of the sample can be easily understood.
  • Datasheet


  • BET repeatability is only 0.0015 m2 / g in the test of very low surface area powder
  • Datasheet Datasheet
  • Analysis value of pore size distribution in activated carbon materials as follows:
  • Datasheet Datasheet
  • Microporous analysis Report of carbon materials as below:
  • Datasheet Datasheet


FeatureMeso 400A
Adsorbed GasNon corrosive gases, such as N2, Ar, Kr, H2, O2, CO2, CO, NH3, CH4, etc.
Pressure Sensor at
Analysis Station
Accuracy: ±0.15% (F.S.)
Analysis StationEach analytical station is equipped with a pressure sensor.
Degas System The standard configuration is 4 stations in-situ degassing, which can simultaneously degas 4 samples with heating in vacuum; External sample preparation device with four-degas stations.
Degas TemperatureAmbient to 400 oC. Free to set up target temperature.
Cold Trap 1
Vacuum Pump Two-stage rotary vane mechanical vacuum pump, the ultimate pressure is 6.7*10-2 Pa.
Analysis Port Samples at four analysis ports can be tested at the same time.
Test Principle Gas adsorption by static-volumetric analysis
Measurement Range of
Specific Surface Area
0.0005 m2/g to the infinity;
Standard sample repetition is less than ± 1.0%.
Test Range of Pore Diameter Repeatability of pore size is less than 0.2 nm in the accurate analysis of porous materials which size is more than 2 nm.
Minimum Pore Volume 0.0001 cm3/g
Range of Relative Pressure P/P0 10-4-0.998
Overall Dimension Depth: 840 mm; width: 630 mm; height: 940 mm; weight: 85Kg
Ambient Temperature15-40 oC
Related Humidity30%-60%
Electrical SupplyAC220 V ± 20 V, 50/60 HZ, maximum power 300W;


Applied FieldTypical Materials Details
Material Researchceramic powder, metal powder, nanotubeAccording to surface area value of nanotube, hydrogen storage capacity can be predicted.
Chemical Engineeringcarbon black, amorphous silica, zinc oxide, titanium dioxideIntroduction of carbon black in rubber matrix can improve mechanical properties of rubber products. Surface area of carbon black is one of the important factors affecting the reinforcement performance of rubber products.
New Energylithium cobalt, lithium manganateIncreasing surface area of electrode can improve Electrochemical reaction rate and promote iron exchange in negative electrode.
Catalytic Technologiesactive alumina oxide, molecular sieve, zeoliteActive surface area and pore structure influence reaction rate.