Perform dynamic temperature-programmed catalyst characterization experiments unattended with the latest generation fully automated chemisorption analyzer from Altamira Instruments. Determine metal dispersion, relative activity, adsorption strength, in one third the time of traditional volumetric methods. Analyze the off gas with the standard TCD or integrate a mass spectrometer or other detectors (FID, GC, FTIR) as options. Customize the instrument for use as an atmospheric reactor, carry out lengthy pre-treatments, and provide fast-switched feed compositions. SSITKA capability and more features are also available. The leader in automated TPD/TPR/O/TPRx, and pulse chemisorption instruments since 1985, Altamira Instruments is the catalyst researcher’s primary resource for automated catalyst test instruments and bench-scale reactor systems.
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Beijing JWGB Instrument Co., Ltd.
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